Week 1

For my final project, i have decided on making a box which plays audio. This does not necessarily limit to only playing music, but rather any audio that you want to play. For instance, you can make the box into some sort of motivational device to help aid people who maybe goes through depression. Motivational audios can be played from closed ones to remind those going through a dark time in their life that they matter e.t.c. Apart from that since it is also a box, motivational notes or letters can be placed inside. Another example can be maybe perhaps for those hardcore fans like those KPOP fans, this box can be used as a safekeep to place all the items related to their favourite groups while at the same time able to listen to all their music through the box. I feel like there are many uses of this box which is why i have decided to make this (and definitely not because i think that it is a good gift for couples with long distant relationships). Because of that, i have decided to name my project, The Box of Sounds.

This idea came from me wanting to make a musical box but i thought, why only limit it to that? I then went on the internet for ideas and found a project that i'm work my project around. The original design is by a user named JohnA25 from instructables.com. His original design was to make a music box with lyrics display (as seen below)

For my design, I was thinking of removing the LCD(for now?) as I don't see the need of it. Im also thinking of making a bigger box so as to be able to fit more items while also concealing the electronics well. For now here is my rough early sketch design.

Here is the Bill-of-Materials required for my project for now:

Bill of materials

S/No Components Cost per Item Qty Total Cost Remarks
1 Arduino Uno $0.00 1 $0.00 Provided
2 DFplayer $0.00 1 $0.00 Provided
3 Speakers $0.00 1 $0.00 Provided
4 Mini Breadboard $0.00 1 $0.00 Provided
5 Resistors $0.00 $0.00 Provided
6 Wires (male to male) $0.00 $0.00 Provided
7 Push Button $0.00 3 $0.00 Provided
10 SD Card $9.40 1 $9.40 Bought from Popular