Week 4

For this week, my goal is to fix everything together. I also decided to engrave my cover design instead. I also thought that putting everything together was going to be easy but boy was I wrong. Don't get me wrong. For the most part, it was easy but the hinge.... The HINGE has defeated me. Why do i say so? My first initial plan was to screw on the hinge on the inside of the box but i need to cut a hinge hole so that the hinge will be leveled with the box walls but i did not do that before which means if i were to screw on the hinge, the cover would not be properly closed. Next i decided to put the hinge on the outside instead. I decided to glue on the hinge instead as i have to connect the top portion of my hinge to the side of my cover which is just 6mm thick so its not possible to screw. This was also a fail as firstly, the super glue that i used didnt properly stick the hinge on to the wood. Then i tried using a glue gun and that did not work too. The outcome of this is that, not only my hinge got harder due to the superglue and also, the glue gun has caused damage to my box and left behind glue stains which was difficult to remove. Due to time constraints, i had no choice but to improvise. I ended up using the glue gun to glue the inside of the box between the top and the side of the box and put a tape on top of it. Its not the best and the tape would not stick properly but it definitely does its job. Even better than expected to be very honest.

That is one of the biggest failures i feel like for the design aspect of my project and since it is only a prototype, i wish to remake it with better design so that it would look better than this current design. As for the rest of the box, i used the glue gun again as it is faster to stick on than the normal wood glue which took forever. Another problem that i came across that i could probably take into cosideration in making my second design is that i could make a proper opening so that i can access the electronics part. But for a prototype, i am very happy with the outcome as it is kind of what i envisioned it to be. Here is the finished product: