FabLab Safety

Fablab @ Singapore Polytechnic has a large number of tools, equipment and machinery which we can use to fabricate our project. In the course of the module, we will be taught the operation of some of these tools and equipment, but firstly, we would have to ensure our safety in the lab which requires us to take the Safety Assessment. The documentation and notes for the couse are provided on the E-learning Site at SP which we can go through before taking the Safety Assessment.


  1. You are not allowed to enter and work in any laboratory or workshop in the absence of the lecturer-in-charge or Technical Supporting Officer (TSO).

  2. It is important that you are always properly attired according to the guidelines below:
    • Always put on covered shoes at all times and full length trousers
    • Do not wear loose-sleeved clothing and jewellery
    • Those with long hair have to tie it up to avoid entanglement with rotating machinery.

  3. Always read and understand the info printed on the safety warning placards before using the machines.
    warning signs

  4. Know the Emergency Numbers:
    • 995 - Ambulance/SCDF
    • 999 - Police
    • 67721206/67721234 - General Office
    • 67721234 - SP Emergency Hotline